Lawyers in Schools - Career Fairs and Guest Speakers
If you would like to request that a member of the North Carolina Bar Association attend your school's career fair or participate as a guest speaker, please fill out the form below! We will do our best to accommodate all requests. When attending career fairs, we bring banners, handouts, pencils, etc. and try to have at least two individuals at the booth. Thank you for your time!
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Please provide your full name. *
What is your e-mail address? *
What is the name of your school? *
What city and district is your school a part of? *
What type of event would you like a speaker for? *
If you answered 'Guest Speaker' above, please provide more information about what you are looking for (or put N/A). *
What is the date of the Career Fair/speaking event? *
What time will the event take place? *
How many students will attend the event? *
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