Putnam Valley CSD Phased Re-Entry:            Remote and Hybrid/In-person Learner Survey
                                        ***PLEASE COMPLETE ONE FORM FOR EACH CHILD***

Remote Learners:

We are requesting that all current All-remote Learners please complete the survey to confirm your instructional model for the remainder of the school year.  Please complete the survey before March 15.

Hybrid/In-Person Learners:

Please complete the survey below if you intend to opt your child out of in-person instruction and instead opt for all remote instruction for the remainder of the school year.  If you child will be attending school 5 days a week beginning on April 6, then you do not need to complete the survey. The current two day a week hybrid option will no longer be available.  If opting for all-remote instruction, please complete the survey before March 15.

Re-Entry Plan Overview:

Phase 1 - Beginning Tuesday, March 16, allow Middle and High School hybrid students to return 4 days a week.

Phase 2 - Beginning, April 6: Remote learners are invited to return to in-person learning 5 days a week.
All In-Person Learners will be expected to attend in-person classes 5 days a week.

Link to Phased Re-Entry Communication: http://pvcsd.org/index.php/district/superintendent/update-on-in-person-learning/   

Link to Spring Re-Entry Plan Overview: http://pvcsd.org/wp-content/uploads/resources/pdf/Phased_Re-Entry-03_03_2021_.pdf 

Link to Reopening Plan:  http://pvcsd.org/index.php/district/covid-19-school-closure/reopening-plan

Please complete the survey below.

Thank you.


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