PEAP Application
Congratulations on making the decision to apply to be a part of PEAP. All PEAP apprentices are immersed in a practical, hands-on experience working with successful, award-winning entrepreneur, The Real Jason Duncan. Please fill out this form completely. Think long and hard about the answers. Be honest and thorough.
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Today's Date *
This program REQUIRES the apprentice to live in the Nashville area. (No relocation assistance will be provided.) *
What is your home address? (Please list the full street address, city, and state) *
Date of Birth *
Phone number *
List 5 or 6 words that OTHERS would use to describe you. *
What would you consider your primary business expertise currently? *
What does success mean to you?
Rate your self-esteem *
What is your level of desire to own your own business one day? *
I want to be an employee forever
I cannot wait to own my own business
How well do you accept direction and constructive criticism? *
I don't like it
I cherish it
Who is the leader you admire most and why? (Living or dead) *
List the best three books you've ever read. *
What is your level of commitment to personal development *
Why did you apply to this apprenticeship program? *
Do you currently suffer any conditions or afflictions that may require attention or intervention? If yes, please explain. *
Rate your overall health. *
If you had access to unlimited resources, what would you do with them? *
Do you currently have a personal mentor or coach? If yes, please explain the key lessons you have learned.
What are two things you would attempt to accomplish if you had more influence? *
Do you have a daily/morning routine? If yes, please describe it. *
I would consider myself to be __________ at implementation and follow-through. *
List three things that you feel like you need to work on. *
If accepted into PEAP, would you be able to devote a MINIMUM of 30 hours per week to the program? *
This is a competitive apprenticeship program that can lead to amazing opportunities that would not be likely on your own. So, why should you be accepted into the program over other candidates? *
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