Geas Support Form
This is a feedback form in case our members have any issues or concerns they want to raise with us. Information submitted via this form will be stored securely on the Geas Welfare google drive and will only be visible to the Equality and Wellbeing Officer.

Any personal or identifying data collected on this form will be stored securely for a period of three years after the end of the tenure of the current Committee, and will be expunged securely thereafter.

The first section of the form will be anonymous. Please feel free to use this to report any issues or concerns you may have that you want to flag up with the Committee. Providing your name is optional, and only do so if you are happy to be identified and/or if you would like the Equality and Wellbeing Officer to follow the matter up with you.

Please note that information submitted anonymously will not be admissible as for the purposes of a complaint.

If the matter is more serious and you wish to make a complaint via the Geas Complaints Procedure, you will have the option to do so at the end of the form. You must provide your name and contact information in order to submit a complaint.
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Please give us any feedback you would like to provide.
Name (Optional)
Please only provide your name if you feel comfortable doing so and/or if you would like the Equality and Wellbeing Officer to follow the matter up with you. This field is entirely optional.
Contact (Optional)
A phone number, email address, Discord handle, or whatever means you would like us to contact you with. Please only provide this if you feel comfortable doing so and/or if you would like the Equality and Wellbeing Officer to follow the matter up with you. This field is entirely optional.
Do you wish to make a complaint via the Geas Complaints Procedure?
If this is a serious matter, and you wish to make a complaint via the Geas Complaints Procedure, this form will take you to the relevant section to do so. Please note that in order to make a complaint, you must provide your name.
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