DET Entertainment Volunteer Application
Join our team - your skills would come in super handy!

We’re DET Entertainment, a voluntary organisation that was set up in 2017 to encourage the local community to celebrate diversity, by holding events that promote social cohesion and community engagement.  We aim to improve opportunities in deprived areas of Bristol, making for a safer and fairer environment for everyone. We plan to do this by putting on a diverse range of events from fundays and health events to cinema events, that engage the younger and older generation and bring people together.

What we need - We are looking for volunteers to join us on our journey.  There are so many ways that you can support DET Entertainment when it comes to volunteering. Volunteering can mean lending us your expertise on areas such as policies and procedures, legal advice, administrative tasks, stewarding, fundraising, setting up & packing down at events, litter picking, taking photos and making videos, social media support and so much more! If you have a skill we will find a way to utilise it!

What we can offer you - We would be happy for you to add us to your CV and we can give you a glowing reference! You can build on your work skills and get work experience relevant to your study course. Gain confidence if you have been out of work for a while or just want to give back to the community!  Refreshments and mileage will also be covered.
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