Veith House Chickens - Community Name Suggestions 
At the Veith House Urban Farm we have 12 chickens, but only 1 has a name. That means we'll need your help deciding on the names for the remaining 11 chickens! Please review their pictures and attributes below, and suggest 1-3 names. Veith House Staff will widdle the list of names down, and we'll have a community vote on the remaining options. Thank you for the help! 
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Variety: Lavender Orpington

Color: Grey

Attributes: 1 of our 2 orpingtons, this hen stands out with it's unique pale blue grey color. Orpingtons are a british breed that have broad body and fluffed out feathers make the chicken look quite stout.  When she jumps, she comes down with a thud! Probably the shyest gal in the flock,, we’re working on her resistance to being lifted and held. Despite, being shy, she is ferocious feeder, quickly sweeping in to claim treats whenever they are provided. You can tell these birds are the descendants of dinosaurs, because this one has some velicoraptor in it! 

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Variety: Heritage Hyrbrid

Color: Black with green/purple irridescence and brown tips

Attributes: The smallest of our black irresdent birds is also the most vocal. You'll hear her expressing her joy whenever we bring out snacks. Her clever and calculating nature is expressed in her almost corvid-like (raven or crow) face.

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Variety: Blue Buff Brahma (BBB)

Color: light brown to copper with grey (blueish) tips 

Attributes: Brahmas are known for being a large breed with feather legs, and this chicken lives up to the hype! This is actually are biggest chicken in the flock, and has the distintive feather feet! Being the bigger sibling to our other BBB, the sisters are good pals. Standoffish but unbothered, they’re not terribly food-driven and have a natural inclination toward sunbathing.

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Variety: Blue Buff Brahma (BBB)

Color: light brown to copper with grey (blueish) tips 

Attributes:  BBB sibling #2!  This is the smaller sibling to the our Chicken #3 above. No sibling rivalry here, they are good friends! This bird is very relaxed, and seems to get along with everyone. Besides being a bit smaller than it's sibling, this hen has some distinct ringed feather coloring that are patridge like. 

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Variety: English Orpington 

Color: Black with green/pruple irredesence, and beige tips around it's neck  

Attributes:  Our second Orpington, this bird has the distinctive fluffy feathers, making it appear to be very large, but stout. If you want this black english orpingtons attention, you better have a treat to offer! Her favourites include ground cherries and sungold tomatoes. Plus she has the cutest matching wattles.

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Variety: Ameraucana Mix

Color: Light brown, with blue features  

Attributes:  This plucky little Ameraucana mix is a special looking bird. She’s half the size of some of our other hens but what she lacks in stature, she makes up for in attitude! The Ameraucana was developed in the United States in the 1970s from Araucan chickens brought from Chile. The Araucan had distinctive ear tufts, which you can still see small remnants on this bird! One of the most unique features of Chicken #6 is her blue-like colored feet and beak, and the fact that she'll eventually lay blue eggs! 

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Variety: Heritage Hybrid 

Color: Black with green and purple irredescence, and distintive brown feather tips around it's neck.   

Attributes: With a beautiful combination of shiny gold, purple, and green iridescence, this hen is one of hybrid that is a mix of heritage breeds. This brave little hen is protective of her food and space! We’ve seen her offer a challenge to most every other bird in the flock.

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Variety: Chantecler 

Color: Pure white feathers, with yellow legs 

Attributes: This nosy Chantecler has a piercing gaze! She may not be the most affectionate hen, but she’ll do anything for a treat! The Chantecler was developed in the early 20th century, at the Abbey of Notre-Dame du Lac in Oka, Quebec. It is extremely cold-resistant, with distintive small comb and wattle which helps avoid frost bite. This hen often opts for the highest available perch, even when it offers and awkward resting place.

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Variety: Silverrudd Blue  

Color: Charcoal, dark grey (blue-ish appearance) 

Attributes: This zippy little Silverrudd Blue has a nervous disposition, and she can run quick when it’s time to corral the hens back inside! Silverrudd Blue is a Swedish breed developed by Martin Silverrudd in Smaland, Sweden. The charcoal color, not only gives off a blue-ish color (namesake), but this breed also lays blue-ish green eggs.

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Variety: Rhodebar  

Color: Red with specks of white/grey  

Attributes: This trusting, inquisitive Rhodebar is one of our most friendly and personable hens. She settles calmly into the arms of a handler when held and tends to follow familiar keepers’ boots around the coop run. Rhodebars were a breed developed from Rhode Island Red and Brussbar varieties. Her red color and calm presence really makes her stand out in our flock!

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Variety: Langshan  

Color: Black, with green and purple iridescence 

Attributes: This beautiful Langshan breed has the beautiful black iridescence of some other flock members, but with some unique features that makes her stand out. Langshans are known to be one of the oldest chicken breeds, originating from China near the Langshan Mountains. Not only does this bird have feather feet like our Brahmas, but also a distinctive long neck and swooping tail that forms a "U" shape. This hen is quite docile, and seems to get along well with the flock! 

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