OSGeo Oceania grant application form
Request a grant for your open geospatial community activity.

The maximum amount and requirements vary for different grant types
- a microgrant is AUD$250 per activity.
- a grant is AUD$1,000 per grant
- a sponsorship is user-defined

Applications can be submitted by completing this form. Clearly describe the following:
- the activity you're organising,
- the aim of the activity,
- its alignment with the OSGeo Oceania mission,
- the amount of funding requested and how it will be spent

Please be detailed in your response. It will increase the chances that we can approve your request in a short amount of time. Please read the following guidelines carefully before filling out the form below.

Eligibility criteria

Applications should clearly describe the proposed activity and explain how funds will be spent.

Activities should align with OSGeo Oceania's mission to support the open geospatial community, by following one or more of these points:
- promoting open source geospatial technology, open data, and/or open standards
- spreading awareness and supporting the growth of the Oceania open geospatial community
- facilitating user participation in OSGeo Oceania activities

Activities should take place in the Oceania region and/or directly benefit the Oceania open geospatial community.

Activities that are open to the community at no cost are preferred.

Assessment criteria

We want to support activities that will make an impact in the open geospatial community. We'll generally prefer activities that:
- provide a clear benefit to the local or regional community
- remove barriers to participation
- address inclusion of underrepresented groups
- are likely to succeed (i.e. are going to have good engagement and/or positive results)


Activity organisers should acknowledge OSGeo Oceania's support. The grant coordinator can provide logos and other marketing materials if requested.

Provide a post-event report about the activity, including information on the number of participants and what was achieved. Photos would be appreciated (please get consent from people in the photos). We may share your report on public channels.

Activity organisers and participants are expected to follow the OSGeo Oceania code of conduct (or similar).

Approval process

The grant committee will assess your application based on the above criteria. We'll aim to let you know of the outcome within 14 days. If the grant is approved, we'll work with you to confirm acceptance and arrange the transfer of funds. If the grant is rejected, we'll explain why.

Payment of funds

Grant funds will be reimbursed upon receipt of a brief report and proof of expenditure. If reimbursement is difficult or not applicable to your situation, please let us know in the application form and we'll try to find a suitable alternative.

For more detail about the program, see the OSGeo Oceania Sponsorship Policy.
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