Education Manager Application
To apply for the position of Ubongo Learning Education Manager
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Current Location *
If you're not already in Tanzania, are you willing to relocate to Tanzania for a minimum of two years for this position? *
Highest level of education
How have you engaged children in creative new ways of learning? This can be in the classroom or informal learning settings. Tell us some specifics!
Why did you choose the field of education? Why do you want to work in education in Africa?
Tell us about your own education.
Tell us about your work experience. What professional achievement are you most proud of?
Why do you want to work for Ubongo? If hired, what impact would you hope to achieve through your work with our social enterprise?
Tell us about an awesome edutainment TV show, app or game that you've seen and loved. What's so great about it?
Don't say Ubongo Kids, brown noser ;-)
Tell us a story that teaches us something.
It only needs to be a paragraph! No novels please.
Watch this video: Ubongo Kids Episode 1
Click in the bottom right corner for English captions
Watch the video and tell us what you like about it. What would you do to improve it?
Self Assessment
Rate yourself for the following skills on a scale from 1 to 5 (with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest). Don't worry, it's not necessary for you to be an expert in all these areas! We just want to get a better understanding of your skill set!
Teaching English as a Second Language
No experience
TEFL Master
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Teaching Math
What's an exponent?
Kids exit my class as Einsteins
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Teaching Science
A mole's just an animal
My kids rock the science fair
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Educational Research
I occasionally read the literature
I've designed & implemented studies
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Creative Writing
I only write when I have to
Download my eBooks on Amazon
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Curriculum Development
I follow what I'm given
Curriculum maestro
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Developing Assessments
I just administer the tests
Move over, College Board
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Languages Skills
Working profiency
No knowledge
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If you selected "other" above, please write the other language(s) you speak.
What else should we know about you?
Feel free to add links to blogs, videos or upload files of anything else you'd like us to see.
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