
Answers will be published anonymously at , unless instructed differently at the end of this survey.
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This questionnaire aims to showcase personal stories and experiences within the LGBTQ community. I will post all* answers on unedited*. My goal is not to share the truth or what is right, but the diversity of realities, the shapes the truth takes in each one of our lives. I want the readers to understand things that they wouldn't be able to, through their own lens.
I handle all answers with ultimate privacy. You can choose the way you want to sign your answers. Anonymously, with a nickname, your twitter handle or any other way you might wish to.
Do you have any questions? Would you prefer to be interviewed instead of responding here? Reach out to me.
Mike., 0831720656, @m1kemark
*Sometimes I improve the grammar or remove complete answers I deem as homophobic, transphobic, abusive, spam or dangerous.
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