MVP Sports Camp 2022 Registration Form
Please fill out all required fields. Any questions please call/text Mike at 973-796-7799. Hard copies of the registration form can be found on our website

Payment can be made via check to MVP Sports Camps LLC and sent to 25 Hawthorne Avenue, Glen Ridge. If you would like to pay online using a debit card, we accept Zelle as a method of payment.  Simply download the "Zelle" app, input your information, click "send", add the amount owed, and send to

Thank you so much for your continued support,
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Email *
Camper's Name *
Address, City, Zip *
Date of birth *
Age group to be placed in *
Please list ANY and ALL medical issues: *
Child's T-shirt Size: *Free MVP Camp t-shirts to be given out on Fridays! *
Do you give your child permission to walk home? *
Week(s) of Attendance *
Session Prices *
Full Day Discounts
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Parent or Guardian Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Emergency Contact(s) Name and Number *
Do you give MVP Sports Camps LLC permission to include your child in group pictures for the website? *
Any other important information regarding your child:
I hereby agree and/or represent that the applicant is: 1) In good mental and physical health. 2) I understand that there may be some risks involved in participation of the sporting activities, including but not limited to those associated with weather conditions, equipment and other participants. 3) As a parent, I fully assume that risk associated with the participation in said sporting activity. *
By typing your name in this box you are guaranteeing that all information provided is accurate and you waive any and all claims that you may have against MVP Sports Camps LLC and its employees and agents arising out of any personal damage that is incurred during said participation, whether active or inactive.  MVP Sports Camps LLC will not be responsible for a camper's cell phone. Signature: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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