Christianity Basics and BCAC Baptism Application基督教基础教义和受洗申请
如有疑问,请查询黄可华牧师,9059660977。 布兰福华人宣道会,小牧人青年团契
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中文正式名字Offiicial Chinese Name (for certificate) *
正式英文名字Offiicial English Name(for certificate)
出生地点Birth place
联系电话Contact Number
婚姻状况Marriage Status
正在参与的教会活动或团契What church activities you are involved
我希望受洗的日期 The date I wish to get baptized
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你是否有阅读并同意我们的信仰声明?Have you read and agreed with our church faith statement?
你是否已经向神认罪悔改并求祂的赦免?Have you confessed your sins and asked for God's forgiveness?
你是否已经接受基督作你个人的救主?Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior
你是否愿意从今以后过基督徒的生活(包括个人灵修、主日崇拜,奉献,领人归主)?Are you willing to live a life of Christ's disciple (including personal devotion, attending Sunday worship, tithing regularly, and witnessing)?
你是否曾经参加过慕道受洗班吗?共上了几堂课?哪个教会?如之前没有参加,我们(BCAC)会安排受洗课程(四次受洗课程)。如果你有参加任何福音书查经,可以注明。Have you attended any seeker or baptismal class? How many classes you attended? Which church? If not, we will make arrangement, i.e. 4- classes following Sunday worship. You can also indicate if you have attended any online Bible studies.
你是否愿意在受洗前阅读《罗马书》和其中一本福音书(如《马太福音》)?请查阅我们的读经目录指引。Are you willing to complete reading at least one Gospel and Book of Romans? You can refer to for reading guidance.
你是否愿意从今以后尽你的一份力量支持主的圣工?Are you willing to contribute to the ministries of church of Christ?
你是否可以在受洗前一周提交你的得救见证和接受面试?内容包括:你如何认识神/主耶稣的?你的价值观和生命(如个人生活、工作/家庭上)发生了什么样的改变?你在日后的基督徒生活中有什么目标?Are you willing to submit your salvation testimony one week before baptism and attended an interview? The testimony includes how you know God/Jesus, your transformation in your life/job/family and your future goal.
Your comments or questions请告知你的建议和疑问
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