Welcome! Tell me all about you so we can get started
Please give as much information as you can. Once submitted we'll have a chat about you!
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What are your current challenges / what are you struggling with regarding your digestion? (i.e. IBS Pain, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Nausea etc).
How does this make you feel? *
How important is solving this frustration? *
Not important
Very important - would effect my mood / life
Why is it important/not important? *
How long have you had this frustration/problem? *
Have you tried to find a solution to your problem? Why do you feel these didn't work?
Would you say you have a healthy relationship with food?
Does your problem stem from an old injury or illness? If yes, explain. *
Would you say your life would be enriched when you find a solution or a true acceptance of this problem? *
Why do you say this? *
Have you been formally diagnosed by a doctor about this problem? Also what scans or tests have you had to help with this diagnosis?
Have you had any of these symptoms? (tick all that apply)
How many yoga classes have you done? *
Are you willing to invest time and money in solving this problem? *
Is there anything else you would like to say?
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