Milestone Church
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In a culture of disposable relationships, finding an environment where people are valued and relationships are prioritized is a unique experience. This will always be central to who we are. Whenever God wants to do something significant, He always starts with a family. It is the primary way that He distributes His blessing.

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Milestone Church Elevate
We have all been afraid at some point—unsure of what the future holds. Maybe you’re living there right now. If so—you’re not alone. 

Lauren faced a situation where she felt God calling her to do something she didn’t understand—something that would test her faith. By saying ‘yes’ to God and His plans, she was encouraged by His faithfulness. Check out her story: 

“About 6 months ago, God started pushing me to go back to work at the hospital as a nurse. I had no idea why, and in all honesty, I fought it—I was scared.

One day I decided to say ‘yes’. There was obstacle after obstacle, and most days I questioned if I was really hearing God. With four young kids and a husband who travels, so much still didn’t make sense. But, how often does God call us to do things that don’t make sense? 

After a long journey, I accepted a job at Baylor Medical Center. I couldn’t have been more thrilled about the job, but I still wondered why God wanted me to go back. My family and I were going into this sacrificing a lot for something we trusted was right. However, little did I know, God would reveal to me why He had placed me there.

The day I started working at the hospital was the same day that quarantine went into effect, and COVID-19 became a reality. It was at that moment that I heard God answer my question ‘why?’. He said to me, ‘for such a time as this’.

God knows my heart better than anyone. He knew that I couldn’t have been at home watching this unfold without helping as a nurse. He knew I needed to be there. And beyond that, I’ve seen Him give me so many opportunities to help people both physically and spiritually during this time.

God is bigger than COVID-19. He can do incredible things in you during this time if you just say ‘yes’.”


Maybe you feel a little bit like Lauren right now—unsure, unsteady, and uncertain. But no matter how you are feeling, if you choose to trust Him, He will do more than you could possibly imagine because He is a faithful God. 

What is God calling you to do today? But more importantly—will you say yes?
Youth Ministry Near Me
Youth Ministry Near Me
Singles Ministry Near Me
Tamika started crying and said we had no idea how much she needed that encouragement. She explained to us that she is a single mom with a daughter in college, and that she was going in for a kidney transplant. She shared about how challenging life has been because she was furloughed from her job in February and put on dialysis in March.
Singles Ministry Near Me
When life’s circumstances overwhelm us and seem impossible to overcome it can be easy to worry about how we will have everything we need. Check out how God used Abigail’s small group to provide for someone in need.

For our small group service project, we decided to pick a restaurant and pray that God would show us someone to bless. We collected money from the group to give to someone with a card that had scriptures and encouragement in.  

We went as a group to a local restaurant for brunch and had a waitress named Tamika. When we finished eating, we told her that we had a gift for her. We explained that God loves her and sees her needs.  

Tamika started crying and said we had no idea how much she needed that encouragement. She explained to us that she is a single mom with a daughter in college, and that she was going in for a kidney transplant. She shared about how challenging life has been because she was furloughed from her job in February and put on dialysis in March. 

We were heartbroken by her story and prayed with her right there at the table. When we left we felt God had more to do so we collected money to have food delivered to her in bulk. We ended up raising over $800.

We are all just blown away by God’s goodness and faithfulness. It’s always crazy to see the impact that obedience to God has on the lives of others. 


You never know how much your generosity can mean to someone. Your generosity can make all the difference. You don’t have to move across the world to make a difference in someone’s life. You can do it right here. Don’t know where to start? That’s okay! Visit us online at for ways you can make a difference. 
What Denomination Is Milestone Church
What Denomination Is Milestone Church
Single Moms Ministry
Lou Ann went above and beyond to meet the needs she saw in the community. This is what spiritual family does—it goes the extra mile to love and serve people. Thank you to Lou Ann and all of our Serve Day volunteers. We can’t all do everything but, we can all do something and you are making a difference!
Single Mom Ministry Near Me
Single Mom Ministry Near Me
Milestone Church
A simple act of kindness can have a massive impact. Something as small as a smile, someone letting you have the last parking spot, or a stranger paying for your food. If you have experienced this, you know how much joy it can bring. Cayla and her family are just one example of how simple acts of kindness can make a difference. Check out her story. 

“This was our first year serving on Serve Day. For our project my family and I helped build a fence for a single mom, cleaned up the neighborhood, and prayed over the schools in our community. After we had finished our project our group leader handed us these red cards to give to people. She prayed with us and encouraged us to find ways to continue serving people with them and invite them to church. After a long, hot day my kids came up with the idea to go to McDonald’s and hand them out by paying for someone’s order. We all ordered drinks and gave the employee at the window the Serve Day card and some cash to pay for the people behind us. As we pulled out of McDonald’s the car behind us was honking and waving which made my kids light up! We ended up going back to McDonald’s later in the day to get some ice cream only to find out that other people had continued the chain by paying it forward seven times!

As a mom, I teared up seeing the impact my kids were making. It melted my heart to see them be so kind and generous to strangers. During this time of so much uncertainty there is one thing I am certain about— the local church is the hope of the world.”


Every time you give, you serve, you love someone who’s hurting, you pray for the sick, you invest time in the next generation, you forgive, you worship, you connect to others relationally, you’re not playing church. You’re joining God in His eternal purposes, even if it happens at McDonald’s. 
Milestone Church Elevate
Milestone Church Elevate
Where Is Milestone Church
Our world can seem so overwhelming right now. There seem to be so many problems all around us. But instead of letting it drive us away from spiritual family, we should be running towards it. Check out Nick and Jillian’s story of how coming back to church changed the health of their marriage and family. 

“In August of 2018, Jillian was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through the first drug treatment, and after 2019 was cleared. Coming into 2020, we were feeling really good. We had our health, we were more involved at church, our business was doing well, and we were even planning on building our dream home.   

Then Covid hit. I was worried at first but I was also just thankful that we still had our health. Except about a month and a half later we got the news that Jillian’s cancer was back. 

And just like that everything changed. We went from being a young, healthy family, to having to tell our boys they couldn’t play with their friends, because we couldn’t risk exposing their mom. We had to stop going to everything. We were completely isolated. 

I vividly remember this moment where I thought, ‘I don’t know what I need. I don’t know what I’m missing. I feel more lost than I’ve ever felt in my life. I feel like I am truly in danger of turning my back on God.’  

In that moment, I remember what one of the pastors at Milestone had said to me. He said, it’s okay to be angry with God– it’s okay to question God. But, when you turn your back on God, that’s when it’s really bad. That’s when you’re really in danger. That is absolutely where I was at. 

We had a month window where Jillian wasn’t going through treatment, and we decided to go back to church. We didn’t know how bad we needed it. That first moment of just stepping back into the building changed everything. 

You don’t really know how much it impacts and encourages you when you worship with other people until you have gone without it. 

I know that like we were, a lot of families are feeling lonely, isolated, and disconnected right now. I would encourage those people to take that next step and get connected, because it really does change everything. We all need spiritual family.”

Spiritual family changes everything. We want to get you connected. However, we also understand that health concerns are real. Your health and safety are our number one priority. We would love to see you at our 12:30pm or 6:30pm services where there is more room for you and your family to stay safe and healthy. You can check out all of our available service options at
Single Moms Ministry
We were heartbroken by her story and prayed with her right there at the table. When we left we felt God had more to do so we collected money to have food delivered to her in bulk. We ended up raising over $800.
Marriage Ministry Mear Me
Marriage Ministry Mear Me
Single Mom Ministry Near Me
Here at Milestone, we believe the next generation has the potential to change the world. So many of them feel the pressure to have it all figured out, but when they are put in an environment that encourages young people to follow God’s call on their lives one step at a time, the results are radical. Take a look at one young man’s story of stepping out in faith to where God was calling him. 

“My whole life I have felt a strong draw towards God and even as a young man, I felt that I might go into ministry some day. I’ve always tried to make an effort to improve myself and grow in my relationship with the Lord.

Last summer I attended Milestone’s summer camp. I started to think about my future after high school and I began praying that God would show me the vision He had for my future. And to be honest, I didn’t really hear anything while I was there. It was frustrating. 

However, I got the opportunity to talk with Pastor Jeff that summer and I asked if there was any way I could join a student internship or something at Milestone. I didn’t know exactly what it looked like, all I knew is that I wanted to grow. It was in that conversation that Pastor Jeff told me about his dream of starting Milestone College, and that it might soon be a reality. 

I left that conversation excited, nervous, and ready for whatever was to come. I went home and started praying that God would open doors for me to attend Milestone College. Even though I was praying for this, I still wasn’t sure exactly what God was calling me to. It wasn’t until I attended the interest meeting that I was sure that God was calling me to attend Milestone College. I felt His peace like never before and I just knew. 

Even though times have been hard for all of us lately. I feel like during quarantine God really prepared my heart for this next season. I’m excited to see all that he does in and through me at Milestone College.” 


This is what it’s all about—creating an environment where young people feel empowered to pursue God and whatever He is calling them to. I am so proud of Gabe and all the other young people who are a part of our first inaugural class at Milestone College for stepping out. I am proud to be your pastor and excited to see all God is going to do. 

-Pastor Jeff 
What Denomination Is Milestone Church
What Denomination Is Milestone Church
Jeff Little Pastor
Tamika started crying and said we had no idea how much she needed that encouragement. She explained to us that she is a single mom with a daughter in college, and that she was going in for a kidney transplant. She shared about how challenging life has been because she was furloughed from her job in February and put on dialysis in March.
Milestone Church Elevate
Last Saturday we sent volunteers out to meet the needs in our community. Although Serve Day may have looked a little different this year, it was still just as impactful. But, serving others isn’t something that is limited to one day a year. It’s something that Christians are called to live out daily. 

Lou Ann decided that instead of participating just on Serve Day she would serve for an entire week. Take a look at her story. 

“Being a senior here at Evergreen of Keller myself, I know how lonely it can get. I know how much my neighbors and I truly appreciate things like cards, letters, phone calls, or someone spending time with them. So, I chose purposeful acts of kindness as my project. It was the perfect fit because I had time to be in touch with several people during the week and I know how much it means when someone goes out of their way to serve you. 

Purposeful acts of kindness allowed me to spend more time with people on the phone, write letters, and drop by to see folks and bring them baked goods and gift cards. I wrote to people on our Bible study’s prayer list, tucked gift cards inside the letters, made visits to several of my neighbors who cannot get out for various health reasons, and took them milk shakes, bread pudding, flowers, phone cards, or paper goods and toiletries. 

Just having the extra time during the week to spend with people and pray with them and hear their stories was a blessing for me. It was my pleasure and honor to serve my Lord and Milestone this week and to pray for our church family.”

—Lou Ann 

Lou Ann went above and beyond to meet the needs she saw in the community. This is what spiritual family does—it goes the extra mile to love and serve people. Thank you to Lou Ann and all of our Serve Day volunteers. We can’t all do everything but, we can all do something and you are making a difference!
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