Fortuna Teen Court Application & Oath
Thanks for your interest in Teen Court. Please be sure to watch our 4 minute ORIENTATION VIDEO:

Having watched the video, please fill out this application and short quiz. It is to help orient you to the Teen Court program, and clarify any questions.
The video and quiz are a supplement to an actual in-person training. You can start volunteering after you fill out the survey below, but you will still need to attend the next available group training. In the meantime, we will add you to our pool of youth volunteers and contact you about upcoming court dates.

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Last *
First *
Your Cell Phone
Home Phone
Parent or Guardian's Phone(s)
Please check the best way(s) to contact you *
Parent or Guardian's Name(s) *
Mailing Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Your school Email Address (if you use it)
Your personal email address (if you use it)
Parent or Guardian's Email Address(es)
Name of School *
Grade *
Birth Date *
Your Race/Ethnicity
Clear selection
If you marked Native American/American Indian, which tribe(s)?
Your Gender
Clear selection
Your Preferred Pronouns
Clear selection
Is it okay to use this pronoun with your parent/guardian?
Clear selection
How did you first hear about Teen Court? *
Why are you interested in volunteering with Teen Court? *
A YOUTH LEADERSHIP GROUP: Fortuna does not yet have a Youth Leadership group among our Volunteers, but are planning on starting one by the end of the school year. Are you interested in being a part of the Leader's Board? *
CONFIDENTIALITY OATH: As a Teen Court participant or observer, you will have access to confidential records and information. The privacy of these records and information is protected by law (section 13303 of the California State Penal Code). Sharing of this information (including “accidental” sharing) with any unauthorized person is a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. It is very important that Teen Court participants and observers keep all information confidential. This means not discussing the case with anyone even if you don’t use names. Sometimes people who are not part of TC will know things about the case; even if this is so, you are not allowed to talk to these people about the case.  CHECK THE BOX TO MAKE A PROMISE THAT YOU SWEAR TO CONFIDENTIALITY. *

Technology Policy

Acceptable Use Policy for Members


An Acceptable Use Policy defines appropriate use of computer equipment and the internet for both staff and members, as approved by the Board of Directors and signed by each staff member and placed in their membership file. 


Responsible Computer Use Guidelines for Members 

Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods computer network and internet access are available to members to enhance their educational experience and help them become literate in an increasingly technological world. 


The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy is to foster the appropriate use of that network, email and the internet. The following guidelines apply to all users, whenever they access any of the Clubs’ network connections. 


Educational Purpose 

The Clubs’ network has been established for educational purposes limited to classroom activities, school-to-career development and scholastic research on appropriate subjects. The Clubs’ network has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Club has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material members access or post through the system. Members are expected to follow this Acceptable Use Policy (as well as other Club rules and policies applicable to members) when in the Technology Center or accessing the network. 


The Clubs’ network is considered a limited forum, similar to a school and, therefore, the Club reserves the right to regulate that forum for valid educational reasons. The Club will not restrict speech on the basis of a disagreement with opinions you, the members, are expressing. 


You should expect only limited privacy with the content of your personal files on the Clubs’ network. This situation is similar to the rights you have in the privacy of your locker at school. The Club reserves the right to search your files, if there is a reasonable suspicion you violated this Acceptable Use Policy, Club rules and policies, or the law. 


Unacceptable Uses and Personal Safety 

You must not post personal contact information about yourself or other people. Personal contact information includes (but is not limited to) home, school or work addresses; telephone numbers; and email addresses. 


You must never agree to meet with someone you have met online without your parent’s approval. A parent or guardian should always accompany you to such meetings. 


You must promptly disclose to a Club staff member any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable. 


Illegal Activities 

You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Clubs’ network, or to any other computer system through the Clubs’ network. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or accessing another person’s files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purpose of “browsing.” 


You must not make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses. 


You must not use the Clubs’ network to engage in any illegal act, including, but not limited to, arranging for the purchase or sale of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs; engaging in criminal activity; or threatening the safety of another person. 


System Security 

You are responsible for your individual user account and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use your account. Under no circumstances should you provide your password to another person. 


You must immediately notify a Club staff member if you have identified or witnessed a possible security problem. 


Do not look for security problems, because this may be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access. 


Inappropriate Use 

Restrictions against inappropriate use apply to public message, private message and material posted on web pages. Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. 


The following are not permitted: 

Sending or displaying unkind or offensive messages or pictures, pornography or hate literature  Using unkind or obscene language  Harassing, insulting or attacking others  Intentionally damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks  Violating copyright laws  Using another person’s password  Trespassing into another person’s folders, work or files 

·         Intentionally wasting limited resources (i.e., distributing mass email messages, participating in chain letters, creating or participating in unauthorized newsgroups, and storing files on file servers without proper authorization) 

·         Employing the network for commercial purposes, political activities or lobbying

·         Installing additional software without prior approval 

·         Using portal or proxy websites 


Violations may result in the loss of access, as well as other disciplinary or legal action. 


Respect for Privacy 

You must not re-post a message that was sent to you privately, without the permission of the person who sent the message. 


You must not post private information about another person. 


Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement 

You must not plagiarize works you find on the internet. Plagiarism is taking ideas, writing or pictures of others and presenting them as your own. It is dishonorable, and it is a prohibited use of this facility. 


You must respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright without authorization. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, you should follow the expressed requirements. Copyright law can be confusing; therefore, if you have any questions, please ask a teacher or Club staff member. 


Disciplinary Actions 

Members who violate the Acceptable Use Policy may be denied future internet and/or network privileges for a defined period of time, and may be subject to other disciplinary measures as set forth by Club policies.


Which of the following does NOT follow principles of restorative justice? *
Which restorative assignment takes a harm reduction approach? *
Why is Teen Court important? (check all that apply) *
What's the bottom line? (check all that apply) *
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