With this short survey, we would like to solicit community input for our project at this year's Scholarly Communication Institute (
SCI2023). In our project, we will be studying the way in which Open Peer Review (OPR) models can contribute to diversity and trust in research. With OPR, we are particularly referring to modes of peer review in which actors' identities are revealed (Open Identities), peer review reports are openly shared (Open Reports), or non-invited stakeholders are able to participate (Open Participation). While these models of peer review have the potential to contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion, their efficacy is still largely unknown. We are therefore curious to hear your thoughts on potential benefits or risks of OPR in your community, as well as open questions that you would like to see addressed.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts in the form below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out (s.horbach@ps.au.dk).
The project team:
Gowri Gopalakrishna, Serge P.J.M. Horbach, Veronique Kiermer, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Sonia Vasconcelos, Simine Vazire