NYC's Gamer Symphony: Press Start Orchestra Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in joining Press Start! We're excited to open our membership to all gamer-musicians in NYC and give you the chance to play music from your favorite video games with New York's premiere VGM (video game music) cover orchestra! To learn more about us, check out our website and socials:

This ensemble is for adults of any age with intermediate to advanced skill with an orchestral instrument.

This form is not a formal commitment to participation. Members must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the first rehearsal for a season. If you have any questions, please email us at

All Rehearsals and Concerts will be held here:
Rutgers Presbyterian Church
236 W 73rd St, New York, NY 10023

Season Schedule (Wednesday rehearsals, Tuesday Concert):

2025 Spring Rehearsal & Concert Schedule 
4/09: 6:45 - 9:15pm
4/16: 6:45 - 9:15pm
4/23: 6:45 - 9:15pm
4/30: 6:45 - 9:15pm

5/07: 6:45 - 9:15pm
5/14: 6:45 - 9:15pm

Tuesday 5/20: 6:00pm Soundcheck (TBD) 7:00pm Concert

Audition Repertoire The audition is very casual and designed to demonstrate your strengths as a player to inform our repertoire selection and arranging. Use the first two selections to demonstrate not only your strengths but the kind of music you really enjoy! A few bars from a favorite concerto, excerpt from a favorite orchestra piece, a favorite video game theme, anything goes (no bonus points for playing excerpts from the actual musical):
  • 1 upbeat selection lasting no longer than 1 minute 
  • 1 lyrical selection lasting no longer than 1 minute
  • Provided excerpt from this folder: (Provided in Discord Auditions channel at the end of the form)
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
What's your Discord? *
We'll invite you to our server once it's ready - still hanging up the final decorations
What is the primary instrument you'd like to play? *
*We are currently at capacity for the following instruments: 
Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Piano

If you play one of these, please submit a form and join the Discord anyway as instrumentation needs will always fluctuate!
List any specializations/preferences/secondaries
Bass Trombone, English horn, Piccolo, etc.
Have any rehearsal or performance space recommendations?
Perhaps somewhere you've played in with another ensemble. Bonus points if there's a gamer-friendly restaurant/bar/arcade etc. to patronize nearby after a rewarding night of rehearsal!
Are you interested in supporting any of the following in addition to playing? *
Are you interested in arranging pieces for our concerts?
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Name games you would like to play music from:
Would you be interested in playing 1-2 non-game music pieces (like Tchaikovsky, Montgomery, etc.) in addition to VGM? *
Most VGM orchestras only perform video game music, and we're open to following this model. However, PSO's first concerts were known for including classical standards with their VGM, so we're also remaining open to continuing that if there is interest from membership.
If you answered "yes", are there any pieces you had in mind?
What evenings do you generally have free? *
We currently rehearse Wednesdays 6:45 - 9:15pm with 7pm Tuesday concerts. This may change for the Spring or the 2025-26 season, so this is important in case we need to pivot!
What games are you playing right now? *
What releases are you looking forward to? *
Who is your favorite Pokémon?
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