Musical Commission Contract
Contract the client (you) must fill out before any work is done. I (Isaiah "Thoughtesque" Davis) will go over this contract carefully. No other parties will see your answers. If you wish to contact me about this questionnaire for inquiries, my email is and my Discord is Thoughtesque
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QUESTION 1: Let's bang this part out early on so we can focus on the other stuff without worry. Through what would you like to pay for the song? *
QUESTION 1b: If you chose to pay for the song with a service or trade, write your offer below.
QUESTION 2: How would you prefer to be contacted for updates? (Steps that may require the client's input such as choice of instrument(s), snippets of the song that may need review/changes made, final product file.) (The best choices for me would be email and Discord) *
QUESTION 3: Which predefined package deal would you like? ($/s = dollar per SECOND of music) *
Approximately what length would you like the song to be? *
QUESTION 3b: What project would you like to hire me for? Define everything you can in this question. Please include if there is a chatroom or server I should join to be more involved.
QUESTION 4: What genre would you like to commission? (Popular and specialized genres listed, specify a specific genre in the "other" space.) *
QUESTION 5: Write out what role the song will be used for. Is it for a certain scene? Is it for a certain character? Describe in detail what this song is most fitting in your mind. (If left blank, I will use context from other questions.)
QUESTION 6: Choose any moods you think the song should lean towards. (Check as many as you like or none at all.)
QUESTION 7: What audio file format(s) do you want for this piece? *
QUESTION 8: Link any songs or artists you'd like me to study the style of as a reference for this commission. You can even link images and videos if you want a very specific vibe.
Write down any other specific requests you have for this commission that you think I should know or you think would impact the final product to better fit your vision for it.
Disclaimer You Should Probably Read
I (Isaiah "Thoughtesque" Davis) reserve the right to take all the time I need on this project to finish it in a polished state.

If for any reason the project cannot be completed, you will not required to pay. For projects longer than 30 minutes, you are required to pay the approximate half of the value of the song before I get to work.

You, as the client may request these things during production: Demos, progress reports, stems (single instrument tracks) and/or a private stream (requires Discord) that allows you to watch me work on the project for full client input.

You have the right to request changes to the song during it's production phase and up to a week after it's finished.

You get to name the song, you can also request me to name the song.

The final product is not subject to copyright and is indeed royalty-free to be used as you wish. No credit at all is required but is greatly appreciated to be appended to whatever project it is used for. To credit me you would only need to attach this to your project, words in brackets optional: Song [is (song name here)] By Isaiah "Thoughtesque" Davis [Contact on Discord: Thoughtesque] [Email:].

also yeah you sign your soul to me. (you do not actually sign your soul to me.)
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