I (Isaiah "Thoughtesque" Davis) reserve the right to take all the time I need on this project to finish it in a polished state.
If for any reason the project cannot be completed, you will not required to pay. For projects longer than 30 minutes, you are required to pay the approximate half of the value of the song before I get to work.
You, as the client may request these things during production: Demos, progress reports, stems (single instrument tracks) and/or a private stream (requires Discord) that allows you to watch me work on the project for full client input.
You have the right to request changes to the song during it's production phase and up to a week after it's finished.
You get to name the song, you can also request me to name the song.
The final product is not subject to copyright and is indeed royalty-free to be used as you wish. No credit at all is required but is greatly appreciated to be appended to whatever project it is used for. To credit me you would only need to attach this to your project, words in brackets optional: Song [is (song name here)] By Isaiah "Thoughtesque" Davis [Contact on Discord: Thoughtesque] [Email:
also yeah you sign your soul to me. (you do not actually sign your soul to me.)