August 22, 2021
Session One: 10:00am - 11:30am
Session Two: 3:00pm - 4:30pm

                • Michael Toote Jr.
                • Pastor T. Basil Sturrup
                • Joshua Stewart        
                • Richardo Barrett                      
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⭐Session One:
1st Presentation:

Time - 10:10am through 10:35am
Title - 'Kids and Finances' by Michael Toote Jr. (with Practical and Q&A)

2nd Presentation:

Time - 10:40am through 11:05am
Title - 'Kids Inspired - Delivering Sermons' by Pr. T. Basil Sturrup (with Practical and Q&A)

⭐Session Two:
1st Presentation:

Time - 3:10pm through 3:35pm
Title - 'What can music be for You?' by Joshua Stewart (with Practical and Q&A)

2nd Presentation:

Title - 3:40pm through 4:05pm
Title - 'The Artist Within' by Richardo Barrett (with Practical and Q&A)
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