Central East Coast Region Spring Conference
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Club Name: *
Email of Person Filling Out the Form: *

Each Club in good standing (who has paid all dues and the mandatory conference fee) is entitled to a total of three (3) voting members:

  • two Delegates and
  • either President or President Alternate.
These are the only people who will be allowed to vote on Region matters. The President/President Alternate and Delegates MUST be available to attend the Delegate Meeting on 4/29 @ 7PM via Zoom and the Business Session on 5/4 @ 9 AM in Ocean City, MD.

Please have all of your Delegates register for the Delegate Meeting on April 29 at 7 PM via Zoom at: https://tinyurl.com/24cecrcaucus

Upon arrival at Spring Conference, a valid Delegate Card will be issued to each delegate at registration.


President or President Alternate (name): *
President or President Alternate (email): *
Delegate #1 (name): *
Delegate #1 (email): *
Delegate #2 (name): *
Delegate #2 (email): *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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