Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Application
The Merced Union High School District (MUHSD) is accepting applications to serve on the MUHSD Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. The MUHSD Board of Education formally appoints Committee members to serve up to two (2) consecutive two-year terms.  The Committee oversees the use of local General Obligation Bond Measure tax funding for modernization projects approved by the Board.  State law provides that a local citizens’ oversight committee oversee all school construction bond expenditures.

Committee members serve without compensation and the Committee shall meet at least once  a year but no more frequently than quarterly. All Meetings shall be held within the boundaries of the Merced Union High School District, typically from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm and in-person or via Zoom.  The Committee reviews expenditures on capital facilities improvements projects to insure they are consistent with the provisions of approved projects as described in the language of General Obligation Bond measures approved by local voters.  The Committee annually reports out to the Board of Education, highlighting their ongoing oversight efforts and their review of annual independent performance and financial audits reports to ensure all Bond Measure monies are spent on voter-approved projects.  

In addition to interested parents, parents involved in parent-teacher club and school site council membership, grandparents, senior citizens, members of the general public, taxpayer organization members, the committee includes those with expertise in the following areas: education, architecture, engineering, construction, educational administration, public administration, financial management, real estate/development, construction management, and legal professions.

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Email *
Full Name *
Address *
Home Phone *
Work Phone *
Why do you want to serve on the Measure M Citizens' Oversite Committee? *
Do you have any special area of expertise or experience that you think would be helpful to the committee? *
I would be able to represent the following constituencies in the District: (check all that apply) Please list Organizations or Childs Name and School in "Other" selection. *
If you have served on other school district, city or community committees please list and briefly describe your role: *
Please check all that apply that you feel should be considered as part of this application. *
Signature of Applicant: *
Date: *
(*Employees, vendors, contractors and consultants of the Merced Union High School District are prohibited by law from being members of the Citizens' Oversight Committee. Employment which could result in becoming a contractor or subcontractor to the District would also be a potential conflict.)
Completed applications must be received by the Facilities Planning Office of the Merced Union High School District 3430 "A" Street, Atwater CA 95301 or emailed to For assistance, please contact Wendy Auldridge in Facilities Planning by phone at (209) 325-2245 or by emailing
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