Fishtown Neighborhood Survey
Thanks for your feedback! We want to understand how people discover information about Fishtown, whether it’s easy or difficult to get this information, and if you’re satisfied with the current methods. We appreciate your time.

- The Lenfest Local Lab
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1/15. What is your age? *
2/15. How many years have you lived in Fishtown? *
3/15. Do you rent or own property in the neighborhood? *
4/15. What do you normally do when you spend time in the neighborhood each week? (Choose all that apply) *
5/15. If you feel comfortable sharing, how would you best identify yourself? (Choose all that apply) *
6/15. What Fishtown news is most interesting to you? (Pick up to three) *
7/15. What information about Fishtown is most interesting to you? (Pick up to three) *
8/15. What Fishtown events are the most interesting to you? (Pick up to three) *
9/15. What types of public data or information about Fishtown are you / would you be most interested in? (Pick up to five) *
10/15. How do you most often get news and information about Fishtown? (Pick up to three) *
11/15. What do you seek out neighborhood news and information for? (Pick up to three) *
12/15. When do you typically find yourself keeping an eye out for Fishtown news and information? *
13/15. How do you feel about the current ways you get Fishtown news and information? (Check all that apply) *
14/15. Is there anything else happening in Fishtown that you would want to find out about?
15/15. If you moved here from somewhere else, what made you want to move to Fishtown?
Please enter your email address below to be entered to win the $50 Amazon Gift Card.
Would you be interested in participating in an in-person interview about what you would want in a Fishtown news product? If so, we’ll be in touch with you through the email address you previously provided.
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