Student Temp Homestay Registration Form 2019
Thank you for your interest in the Temporary Homestay program offered by Madison Friends of International Students (MFIS). Please provide us with the following information about yourself so that we can match you with a local host family.

Please submit application at least two weeks prior to expected arrival in Madison. The Temporary Home Stay program provides housing for 2 or 3 nights. There is no cost to the student as the host families are volunteers. You MUST fill out your arrival date and time into Madison in order for you to be matched with a host.
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Last Name (Family Name) *
First Name (Given Name) *
Email address *
Phone number (example: xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Home Country *
Gender *
Age *
What is your degree level? *
What is your major/field of study? *
Do you have long-term housing in Madison? *
Have you already arranged a university residence hall accommodation or an apartment in Madison?  REMINDER:  MFIS Temporary Homestay is for 1-3 days only.
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