Youth Interest Survey
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Email *
Would you like to be included in YAMM email communications/newsletters? You will receive information about youth program you can register for and other information and events. *
What is your age? *
What is your gender? *
Do you live in Winston-Salem NC? *
How important are youth community programs to your overall quality of life? *
Very important
Not at all important
Are you currently in a youth program? *
Would you prefer youth programs were offered: *
Would you prefer youth programs were offered between: *
What type program registration process would you prefer? *
What length of program is best for you as a teen? *
Would you be interested in attending a monthly luncheon? *
Would you prefer luncheon be catered or to bring your own lunch? *
Are you interested in a leadership role? *
Would you be interested in attending a weekly club? *
Would you be interested in attending a weekly class that covers one topic your interested in? *
How much time would you be interested in committing to one class topic? *
How interested are you in a summer camp? *
Which social networking sites do you use regularly? (Please select all that apply) *
Please select the activities that you would be interested in attending in a youth program. (Please select all that apply) *
What topics are you interested in? (Please select all that apply) *
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