The Scoop Application Form 2023-2024
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Full name *
Year of study *
Course *
University email address *
QUB student number (if applicable) 
Social media handle(s) (if applicable) 
What position(s) are you interested in (reporting)
What position(s) are you interested in (editing)
What position(s) are you interested in (monthly columnist)
What topic will your monthly column focus on? (if applicable) (150 words max)
Why are you interested in the role(s)? *
What issues do you think the Scoop should be covering? Also include any ideas on how you feel these would best be covered (150 words max) *
Do you have any skills/experience which would help you in this role? (200 words) 
Would you like to be added to a groupchat where you will have the option to cover breaking stories around the QUB campus ? *
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