Signing Event Pre-Order Form.
Hey lovelies,

Thank you for checking out my form. I'll have limited books with me on event days, so I recommend pre-ordering to avoid disappointment. Every pre-order comes with a free gift!
I can't wait to see you at one (or more) of the upcoming events!!

Much love and happy reading 
Georgina x

Important information

Once the invoice has been sent, please pay within 72 hours unless agreed otherwise. Payment plans are available, please let me know in the comment section.

If you'd like your books personalised, please leave a note in the comment section at the bottom of this form (I will personalise after payment is made).

My books come with Trigger Warnings and I have a list for each series on my website.

If you'd like to check out my books first, you can find them here

Thank you for pre-ordering!

P.s. Books will be added as they're released. Events will also be added as they are announced.
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