SOUTECH HUB in partnership with SME NETWORK AFRICA is training interested and passionate volunteers on SALES, MARKETING and CUSTOMER SERVICE skills while digitizing businesses in Owerri.

Volunteers are tasked to convince businesses around Owerri of the need to digitize their businesses, and get them on-board the SME NETWORK AFRICA "free website program".

The volunteering program is for 2 days a week and lasts for 3 months.
Amazing bonuses will be awarded.
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Availability (Which two days of the week will you be available) *
To partake in this "Volunteer Program" and reap all benefits, you are required to nominate (refer) 1 friend or colleague who would be interested by filling their details below and informing them.....
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
-Your referral will be validated.
-Certificates of Training competence will be issued upon completion.
-You will receive training courses on DataScience.
-Trainings will be held at SOUTECH HUB Owerri, 30 mbari street, Opposite tweeter bites, Ikenegbu Owerri, Imo state.

Navigate using Google Map: https://g.page/soutechhubowerri?share

For questions SMS or Whatsapp 09037945493, 09015532583; Email: soutechhub@gmail.com

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