We'd Love to Hear from YOU!
We're working on some online resources to help you make racial justice a reality in your school. To make sure we provide the online resources that you need, I have a few questions. Thanks for your feedback, Terrance.
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What is your #1 biggest challenge with achieving racial justice in your school (please be as detailed as possible)?
If there was an online course to help you and your school with your racial justice challenges, what topic areas must the course absolutely cover (please be as detailed as possible)?
If we were to create an online resource on racial justice about one of the following topics (and you could only choose one), which of the following are you most likely to have signed up for?
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If we were to create an online resource to help you and your school address your challenges with racial justice, which of the following would you have signed up for if it was available?
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What is your current role as it relates to a school
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Can I let you know when our online resources are available?
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