*Is the topic innovative and relevant?
*Has the content leader(s) received positive reviews in the past?
*Will the session appeal to school leaders (superintendents, assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, and other district level leaders?
*Is the session well organized and designed to meet he needs of this audience?
*Is the learning format participant-centered, i.e. interactive, engaging, and participative?
*Will participants get at least one take-away from the session?
Content leaders are encouraged to use innovative presentation methods. Be creative and innovative!
Selection Process
Submit your proposal by Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. You will receive an automatic confirmation of your submission. Each submission will be reviewed by the 2025 Innovative Ideas Institute committee. You will be notified the week of November 18, 2024, on the status of your submission.
Session Scheduling
Sessions will be scheduled on June 16 and 17, 2025. Please do not submit a proposal unless you are able to present on any one of the dates listed above. You will be notified the week of November 13, 2023, on the status of your submission.
Please NOTE:
Presentations cannot be sales pitches. If you are a vendor, we strongly encourage you to pair up with a school leader/practitioner for your session. The school leaders/practitioner should submit the proposal.
Content Leader Expectations
Please note that all accepted content leaders are expected to agree to all of the following items:
During the session itself, stand up when speaking.
Allow for interaction among the attendees.
Use the microphone when speaking.
Repeat all attendee questions asked into the microphone.
Understand that we take our session evaluations very seriously. We ask participants to rate the education sessions and content leaders on a 1-5 scale (1=extremely dissatisfied/5=extremely satisfied). The goal is for all content leaders to receive a 4.0 or higher.
Upon acceptance, more information will be provided on content leader criteria.
Registration and Travel Info
The lead presenter on each presentation receives complimentary registration. All presenters receive a SCASA polo shirt. Presenters are responsible for all travel costs.
Presentation Length
There are several presentation length options: 1 hour, 30 minutes and 8 minutes (Instant Ideas). You will be asked to indicate on the registration form if you would be willing to present your session in any of the time options listed above. Please note that not all requests can be accommodated and most presentations will be one hour. The Instant Ideas session includes 8 minute presentations by multiple presenters.