Hillel Event Registration 2024-2025
Please use this form to register your event at or through Hopkins Hillel. Before filling out the event, you must do the following:

1) Decide where and when you'd like your event to be.
2) Look at the events calendar to see if there are any events or programs currently happening at the same time. If there are, please check in with your staff advisor or another staff member to discuss whether the conflict can go ahead.

Questions? Contact Monica Davis.
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Who is responsible for the event? Please give their full name(s). *
Email *
Cell Phone Number *
Year *
What Hillel student organization/group is hosting this event? If none, write "none". *
Event Name *
Please check the Hillel Events Calendar for conflicts before choosing your event date and time.
Click here.

Event Date (a staff member will add it to the calendar) *
Event Start Time *
Event End Time *
If the event is recurring, how often and when?
i.e. Weekly on Thursdays, the first Tuesday of every month
How much time before/after the event do you need to set up/clean up?
Hillel Staff Supervisor (Prearranged) *
Before submitting this form, you must arrange the date and event with a Hillel staff member named below.
Where will your take place? *
If happening online, do you need Hillel to create and send you a Zoom link?
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If happening at Hillel, where would you like the event to take place?
Please briefly describe what will happen at your event: *
If you need to purchase materials, what is your budget for this event?
What supplies do you need?
Have you registered your event on Hopkins Groups?
*Note that events MUST be registered in Hopkins Groups, including an event budget request, at least two weeks before they are scheduled to occur
If you answered "other" to the previous question, please list everything and anything you can think of that you'll need.
If held at Hillel, how would you like the space to be set up? (E.g., chairs in a circle; all tables pushed to the side; etc.). Note that more than likely, student leaders will need to set up/clean up their own event.
Food served at Hillel must meet Hillel's kashrut guidelines. Please indicate here if you need to have a conversation with a staff member about food.
If you are planning to cook food in the kosher kitchen, you must have kosher kitchen supervision (mashgiach). Please indicate whether you need a mashgiach.
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If you are planning to cook under mashgiach supervision, please contact the head mashgichah, Dahlia Krebs.
Anything else we need to know?
By submitting this form, you and the other event planners take full responsibility for planning the event from beginning to end:
  1. Form a working committee
  2. Generate and circulate publicity in a timely fashion, in cooperation with the HSB Marketing Chair, Charlie Margulies
  3. Spread the word about the event
  4. Procure event materials
  5. Set up the event space
  6. Supervise/staff the event, including signing in all participants and taking photos
  7. Clean up after the event (restore the space and clean supplies used to the way you found them)
  8. Submit a brief event report with photos and a participant list to the Hillel staff member or the Hillel HEART database.

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