codeHER’s Women's Independence Conference RSVP Form
Breaking Barriers: Women's Path to Independence

Fatima-Zahra Aboukir: Youth Engagement Specialist at the US Embassy Rabat
Anne Firth Murray: Founding President of the Global Fund for Women, Consulting Professor at Stanford University

Saniya Vashist, codeHER's Founder and Executive Director

Date and Time:
Saturday, February 27, 2021 from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

The conference will take place virtually over Zoom. Link to join conference:
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Name (first and last) *
Phone number *
City and country you currently reside in *
What is your current occupation/role (student, employed, parent, etc)?
What school or university did you attend, or are currently attending? *
How old are you?
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Can you attend? *
Have you attended a previous codeHER virtual conference?
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What previous codeHER programs have you participated in?
How did you hear about this event?
Are there any specific topics you would like to see covered?
Further comments or concerns
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