This Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) tracks the customer experience of government offices. Your feedback on your recently concluded transaction will help this office provide a better service. Personal information shared will be kept confidential and you always have the option not to answer this form.
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Client Type
Date *
Sex *
Age *
Region of Residence
Service Availed
CC1 Which of the following best describes your awareness of a CC? *

CC2 If aware of CC (answered 1-3 in CC1), would you say that the CC of this office was …?


If aware of CC (answered codes 1-3 in CC1), how much did the CC help you in your transaction?

Service Quality Dimension
SQD00. I am satisfied with the service that I availed. *
SQD01. I spent a reasonable amount of time for my transaction. *
SQD02. The office followed the transaction’s requirements and steps based on the information provided. *
SQD03. The steps (including payment) I needed to do for my transaction were easy and simple. *
SQD04. I easily found information about my transaction from the office’s website. *

SQD05. I paid a reasonable amount of fees for my transaction. (If service was free, mark the ‘N/A’ column)


SQD06. I am confident my online transaction was secure


SQD07. The office's online support was available, and (if asked questions) online support was quick to respond.


SQD08. I got what I needed from the government office, or (if denied) denial of request was sufficiently explained to me.

Suggestions on how we can further improve our services (optional):
Email address (optional):
                                                     THANK YOU!
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