Covid-19 Level 3 to Level 2
We are asking for your feedback and thoughts about learning online and the transition back to Level 2, which looks likely to happen next week.

Please answer this survey for each of your children. It should take no more than 2 or 3 minutes for each one.
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My child is in Room *
Firstly, a question or two about what's been happening.
My child has engaged with the learning tasks shared online or provided in hard copy from school. *
The quantity of work provided by the school was about right, given the challenges of learning from home? *
My child learns successfully at home using resources and support provided from school? *
Now to the future
I will be sending my child back to school in Level 2 *
I would like to continue having teacher supported learning online, from home, for my child *
I would be interested in the Bay Academy introducing an online class option for families and children who prefer to learn at home. *
I have the following concerns AND/OR questions AND/OR feedback about my chid heading back to school.
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