Virtual Kindergarten Visit Week Registration
To register for the virtual visits the week of January 25th, please complete this form and we will get back to you with the Zoom meeting information!

Tuesday, January 26th, 10:00-10:40
Center Time: Children will be working independently on various projects and independent work. It will be a nice peek at the morning in kindergarten.

Wednesday, January 27th, 2:20-3:00
Candle Meeting: A closure to the kindergarten day. We tell the story of the day together while using language and literacy tools the children are developing.

Thursday, January 28th, 10:00-10:40
Center Time: Children will be working independently on various projects and independent work. It will be a nice peek at the morning in kindergarten.

Friday, January 29th, 11:00-12:00
Kinder Q&A: Please join us to ask questions and learn more about the program! This session will be moderated by our current kindergarten teacher, Melissa Westfall, and ELC program leaders.

If you have questions, please direct them to our Media Coordinator, Dani Rose Thibus at

We look forward to meeting you!
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Child's Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Which virtual visits are you planning to attend?
How did you hear about the ELC Kindergarten Program?
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