RootAsRole Feedback form
This form is designed to capture your feedback about using the RootAsRole solution for Linux System.
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Email *
Name, Surname
Your organisational role *
As part of your use of Linux systems, would you be ready to use a solution other than sudo / su? *
Explain Why?
Did you know about Linux Capabilities before this study? (avant le cours de sécurité) *
Are you aware of the security problems with the use of sudo / su commands? *
Do you find that the idea of Linux capabilities is more suitable than sudo / su in terms of security? *
How did you find the RootAsRole configuration? *
What major problems did you find in using this solution? *
Are you aware of any other solution than RootAsRole as an alternative to Sudo / su? *
If you answered Yes, what is it?
What improvements would you make to RooAsRole if you could?
Are you willing to use the RootAsRole solution instead of su / sudo commands? *
Please give your reasons for the above answer
Imagine a scenario to which the RootAsRole solution is suited. Then test it. Explain your scenario and tests, and then give your comments.
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