ETEC 522 Big Data and Learning Analytics Pre-Survey
Please complete this survey prior to exploring our OER.  This survey will not collect names or IP addresses, and will be anonymous, unless you specifically elect to enter your name.  You do not need to answer all questions, and can omit answering any specific question.  These questions are representative of the questions that are often asked by marketing firms and polling firms.  The data from this survey will be available for you to analyze in one of the optional activities. The demographic questions are updated to reflect current best practice (Hughes, et. al. 2016).
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Define Learning Analytics in your own words. *
Where do you believe Learning Analytics can be of benefit in a K-12 environment?  Please choose your top 3 benefits. *
There are many reasons why Learning Analytics data might be collected.  Please select the two most relevant reasons for you from the list below. *
DATA TYPES. Please indicate which of the following data types you believe would be the most important to collect for analysis. Choose your top two. *
Which of the following would you believe is a significant ethical concern with using Learning Analytics?  Please select your top three. *
Choose the closest country to your residence.
Which major city do you live closest to? *
Which of the following categories best describes the industry you primarily work in (regardless of your actual position)? *
Which language(s) are you capable of speaking fluently? *
How would you describe your knowledge of the information that is collected about you online? *
I have no idea
I am very knowledgable
How would you describe your comfort with sharing information with companies that you interact with online? *
I am very uncomfortable sharing infromation
I am comfortable sharing information
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