Repair Café večer: Popravi svoju elektro-škatulju, br. 4
Četvrtak, 24. studenoga 2021., 17:00-20:00h / Wednesday, 24th November 2021, 5-8pm
Radiona - Zagreb Makerspace, Nova cesta 186, Zagreb

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Ime i prezime / Name and surname: *
e-mail: *
broj mobitela / mobile phone *
Napišite nam nekoliko rečenica (3-4 max) o sebi te navedite razloge prijave na radionicu // Write us a few sentences (3-4 max) about yourself and state the reasons for applying to the workshop *
Dolaskom na radionicu potvđujem da sam/smo suglasna/suglasan/suglasni sa fotografiranjem i snimanjem radionice za potrebe dokumentacije // By coming to the workshop, I/We confirm that I/We agree  with being photographed and recorded during the workshop for the purposes of documentation. *
Dolaskom na radionicu potvđujem da sam/smo suglasna/suglasan/suglasni sa pridržavanjem mjera vezanih uz Sars-CoV-2 pandemiju: Covid-19 potvrda (ili kratki opis zašto je nemate), obavezno nošenje maske, dezinficiranje ruku i distanca. Za potrebe dokumentacije od polaznika se traži da ostave adresu stanovanja i kontakt podatke. // By coming to the workshop, I confirm that I / We agree with the adherence to measures related to the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic: Covid-19 pasport (or a short description why you do not have it), mandatory wearing of a mask, hand disinfection and distance. For the purposes of documentation, participants are required to leave their residential address and contact information. *
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