Shelburne Farms 2020 Professional Learning Scholarship Application
Shelburne Farms is pleased to provide scholarships to help defray the cost of attending professional learning programs. Scholarship funds are limited; therefore please request only as much as you need to make the program affordable so that others may also receive scholarships.

If you receive a scholarship we'll be in touch to provide a code to register for the program through Eventbrite. If you receive a scholarship from Shelburne Farms you will be asked to provide feedback after the program. Please contact with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you!

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Contact Information:
Full Name: *
Address: *
Your School / Organization: *
Email: *
Phone: *
Are you a family child care provider operating your program in Vermont? *
Age Group(s) (check all that apply) *
Please describe the population your school or organization serves. *
How would participating in this program advance the goals of your school or organization? *
Role *
Please indicate Role if you selected "Other"
Please indicate which 2020 Professional Learning Program you're interested in attending: *
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