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Call for Artists, Norwood International Art Show, September 16, 2023, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., at Victory Park, Norwood.
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To be considered, artists need to upload a professional photo of themselves and three jpeg images of their work with the subject "2023 International Art Show Submission." File names: FirstName-LastName-SubmissionNo1, FirstName-LastName-SubmissionNo2, FirstName-LastName-SubmissionNo3. Please keep each file size below 1M and upload here.

Note: If you have a hard time uploading, please send the ALL the images in one email to Please understand we cannot consider your participation without your work samples.
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Application Fee
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Do you have any questions or comments? Please let us know below:
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Artists are required to stay for the entire time of the show. Artists are responsible for set up and tear down of their own work, and for collecting sale fees and sales tax for sold work. The organizer is not responsible for loss or damage of artwork. By typing your first and last name on the space below, you agreed to the terms above.
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