LMS Fall Sports Registration
Please complete this form to register for a fall sport.

Information regarding tryouts and schedules will be sent out at a later date.  

Please note, a clear medical physical examination is required only once during a student's time at LMS.  This means all new athletes (all 6th graders, 7th and 8th graders that are new to sports at LMS) are required to provide documentation of a passing physical examination in order to play.  Returning 7th and 8th grade student athletes do not.  Exam reports can be sent to the Athletic Director, Josh Marzahl (jmarzahl@laconiaschools.org) 

Please direct any questions regarding athletics to the Laconia Middle School Athletic Director, Josh Marzahl (JMarzahl@laconiaschools.org)
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Grade Level *
Sport that the student is interesting in participating in: *
Parent/Guardian's First Name  *
Parent/Guardian's Last Name  *
Parent/Guardian's email address  *
Parent/Guardian's phone number  *
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