Question Submission for the Summer 2023 Canyon Camp Preview Livestream Webinar
Our Canyon Camp leadership team will be previewing our summer program and answering any questions submitted. This seminar will be live on our Facebook page at Feb. 11th 10am CST and a replay will be available for replay. Our leadership team is both  excited and ready to share how our summer program will be able to help everyone on their scouting journey. 
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The first part of the livestream will be going through and giving an overview of how our summer program is adapting to better serve you this summer. After the preview has been completed we will finish by answering any unanswered questions.
How would you describe yourself in terms of attending Canyon Camp summer camp? *
Please list any questions you may have for the Camp Leadership team to answer during the livestream webinar! 
Please list any comments you would like to share with the Camp Leadership team!
Thanks for your questions and feedback, and hope that this preview will assist in your journey to Canyon Camp.
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