Letter to the Editor
The Columbia Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor. Letters are meant to be responses specifically to Chronicle coverage.

We reserve the right to fact-check and to edit pieces for clarity and length. Please do not submit a letter if you are unwilling to work with a student editor for publication. We do not print unsubstantiated allegations or solicitations for causes. We also do not run press releases or general statements as letters. We reserve the right to limit letters to two per semester.

You will use this form to submit. Please type or paste as plain text. Do not email us with attachments. After you have submitted, please email the Editorial Board.
Please note that this form is for letters only. Guest op-eds should be submitted with this form.
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Name *
Email and phone number for verification and to communicate about publication. (This will not be shared online.) *
Text of the letter. (Please limit to 300 words or less). We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. *
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