Fall 2024 - Springfield Advanced Green Skills Training Registration Form
Program Dates: September 26th - October 24th
Schedule: Every Tuesday 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Online, via Zoom

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Email *
Participant Full Name *
Participant Age (as of July 1, 2024)
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Participant Home Address *
I understand that I will need to complete a more detailed questionnaire before the start of the first session. *
Privacy Statement
We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. The details you provide during the registration for the Springfield Green Skills Training Program will be used solely for the purposes of program administration and communication. Please be assured that your information will not be shared with any third parties, nor will it be distributed to other participants in the program, their parents, or guardians. We adhere strictly to data protection principles and ensure that your information is secure and treated with the utmost confidentiality.
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