Camp Wonderstruck Parent/ Caregiver Survey
Wonderstruck needs your feedback! Please share your ideas and opinions using the form below. We value all constructive criticism, questions, concerns and comments. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
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How old are the campers you enrolled or are are considering enrolling? (check all that apply) *
What is the most interesting or exciting thing about Camp Wonderstruck?
What could Camp Wonderstruck do to improve? 
How did you hear about Camp Wonderstruck? *
What are your priorities when choosing a camp? (Select the three most relevant options.) *
Do you have any outstanding questions or concerns about Camp Wonderstruck? If so, please write them in the box below. (You can also email at any time.)
If you had an experience at Camp Wonderstruck and would be willing to provide a testimonial for our website and social media, would you please write your review below? Your quote will be attributed to your first initial, location, and 'Camp Wonderstruck Parent' unless otherwise specified (eg. - 'S, Camp Wonderstruck Parent, West Vancouver).
What would you like to see us do next at Wonderstruck?
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When it comes to Summer sessions, what timing is best for your family?
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If you are comfortable, please leave your name and email address in the box below. (This is optional.)
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