EducationUSA LL.M. Fair 2021
Are you thinking about applying to U.S. Law Schools? Are you interested in pursuing a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in the United States? Do you have questions about how to do this? You came to the right page! Ask U.S. law school admissions representatives at our FREE EducationUSA Fair!

A week before the fair, the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines' EducationUSA office will hold a virtual program on Zoom so you can first understand your LL.M. program options in the United States. We hope this will help prepare you for the fair where you will meet more than a dozen U.S. law school representatives.

Here are the updated dates and program details:

   Saturday, July 17 | 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
   LL.M. Fair Part 1
   Understanding LLM Programs: How to Choose Between General or Specialized LLMs

   Saturday, July 24 | 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
   LL.M. Fair Part 2: Meet U.S. Law School Representatives!

We are very excited to chat with you and guide you on your law school applications. We highly recommend attending both events. We will send you the zoom details if your registration has been successful.

By signing up for the fair, you are authorizing EducationUSA to share your contact information with the participating U.S. law schools at the event.

For any questions or concerns, send us a message at
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Last Name: *
First Name: *
Email address: *
Please provide us with the e-mail you personally use
Phone number: *
Please provide us with your mobile so you can receive updates before and during the fair.
High School/University/Affiliation/Organization: *
Please type the full name of your university, affiliation, or organization
For lawyers, where do you currently practice? *
If not applicable, please type "N/A"
Level of study: *
If parent, educator, admin. attending on behalf of someone interested in LL.M. studies, please select "other."
What law track or program are you interested in pursuing in the United States? *
Please type all that you are interested in pursuing; if not applicable, please type "N/A"
What degree from the United States are you interested in pursuing? *
Please type the specific degree title. If it's not listed below, click "Other" and type it.
Do you have a question for our EducationUSA advisers? Type below! *
Do you have a question for our U.S. Law School representatives? Type below! *
Will you attend the two parts of the EdUSA LL.M. Fair?
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Where have you read/heard about EdUSA's LL.M. Fair? *
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