Tell us about your experience.
As For The Wild shifts to slower and more rooted content, help us learn how we might best honor your time and attention... (The estimated time to take the survey is 10 minutes)
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How long have you listened to For The Wild podcast?

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How do you engage with For The Wild? 
 (Check all that apply)
Are you a member of FTW's Patreon?
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If you are a Patreon member, what is the biggest reason you joined?
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If you are a Patreon member, which offerings have you engaged with?
How would you like FTW's general offerings to grow?
 (Check all that apply)
What type of content do you wish to engage with...
 (Check all that apply)
Would you attend an in-person event in....
 (Check all that apply)
Digging a little deeper, was there an episode that felt transformative/ground-shifting for you? How so?
Are there particular guests you’d like us to talk with or topics you’d like us to discuss?
If we were to create a resource guide just for you, what topics would you find most engaging? (eg. survival skills, cooking and recipes, somatic practices, belongingness, reading lists, playful practices, grounding, placemaking, homemaking...)  
Currently the podcast, transcripts and resources are available in English. Would it be more accessible to you or your community if it were made available in another language? (If yes, please share more below.)
We’re seeking partners and sponsors to help support upcoming projects. Do you know of an organization, brand or private donor(s) who shares our values and may be interested in collaborating with For The Wild?  (Please share their names and links, if so)

How has For The Wild's content impacted or carried you through these times? Please share your praise, testimony or feedback, we'd love to hear from you!

Optional: Would you like to share your name and email with us for potential outreach or follow up? 
If you responded with feedback, may we publicly share your praise or testimony on our platform or in our fundraising efforts?
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