RIDE's Professional Learning Resource Network Application Form
Thank you for your interest in being featured on the Rhode Island Department of Education's professional learning vendor list.  

The Professional Learning Resource Network connects districts and school systems to a bank of national and local contract-based professional learning providers.   

Application Window: Our application window is open twice a year. 

June 1 - June 30
November 1 - November 30 

We will not accept applications outside of these windows.

Questions? Please email the professional learning mailbox: PL@ride.ri.gov
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Email *
Name of Organization *
Organization's Address *
Organization's Mission Statement *
Contact Person's Name, Email, and Phone Number *
Please include a brief description of your organization. (5-7 sentences) *
Please provide a brief description of the types of PL you provide. (5-7 sentences) *
Please indicate the content areas your organization provides professional learning for.  Select all that apply. *
What grade span(s) does your organization provide professional learning for?  Select all that apply. 
Please provide any additional information about your organization's professional learning opportunities (i.e. links to course catalog, website, evidence of impact)
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