9th Grade Request for Student Transfer 
This form can be used for the following request:

For 9th grade, once you have received your assignment for ninth grade, it will be final for the coming school year. Transfers will not be considered until after the completion of ninth grade. Appeals will only be considered if there is space at the requested school, and if so, the following  criteria will be considered:

  • Child of a staff member at the requested school
  • Sibling of another student already enrolled in the requested school
  • Documented issues of safety or harassment
  • Child of any PPS staff member

If your student meets one of the above requests, please proceed to filling out the following form

If you need help with translating this information into another language, please call the Office of
Multilingual and Multicultural Programs at 874-8135.

Ka imito kony me kwango leb ileb mukene, tim bee go cim iofic pa Multilingual ki Multicultural Poroguram inama 874-8135.

أذا كنت بحاجة ألي مساعدة مع ترجمة هذه المعلومات ألي لغة أخري, يرجي الأتصال بمكتب برامج اللغات و الثقاف�ات المتع�ددة
. 874-8135 في

-Si vous avez besoins d’aide avec la traduction dans une autre langue, s’il vous plaît appelez le bureau des Programmes Multilingues et Multiculturelles au 874-8135.

Kinyarwandan -Nimwaba mukeneye imfashanyo mu gusobanura mu rundi rurimi, tubasavye guhamagara ku biro biraba Imigambi y’Indimi n’Imico bitandukanye kuri

Si usted necesita ayuda traduciendo esta información a otro idioma, por favor llame la Oficina de Programas Multilingües y Multiculturales al 874-8135 extensión 7811.

Se precisa de ajuda com a tradução esta informação no Português, por favor, ligue para o escritório de programas multilíngüe 874-8135 ramal 7811.

Haddii aad u baahan tahay in lagaa caawiyo sidii warbixintaan laguugu tarjumi lahaa af akale, fadlan so wac Xafiiska Luqadaha iyo Dhaqamada kala Duwan telefoonka: 874-8135.

-Ukihitaji msaada na kutafsiri katika lugha nyingine, tafadhali piga simu ofisi ya Mipango ya Lugha na Kitamaduni kwa 874-8135.

Nếu quý vị cần giúp đỡ để dịch thông tin này sang ngôn ngữ khác, xin hãy gọi văn phòng Chương trình Đa Ngôn Ngữ và Đa Văn Hóa theo số điện thoại 874-8135.

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