#1 Beta Testing Feedback
Thank you for taking the time to help us test the Ballplayer app! This form should only take about three minutes of your time. All responses are appreciated and will be carefully considered. If you run into any bugs (glitches, crashes, or errors), please send screen recordings of them happening to the ‘Give Feedback’ section in the Ballplayer app menu. Thanks!

-The Ballplayer Team
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What best describes your role as an app user?
What is your overall satisfaction with the Ballplayer app at its current state?
Never want to open it again
Best app ever!
Which feature is most useful to you?
Which feature needs the most work for it to suit your needs?
Please explain your answer to the last question.
Is there any other place in the app that is non-functional or confusing?
What is your favorite part about the app?
How often do/will you find yourself using the app during the season?
Are you likely to continue using this product ? *
How likely are you to recommend this product?
Not at all
Do you have any other suggestions to improve the app? All responses will be read and carefully considered.
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