Inclusive education in schools
In this activity, we will discuss in more detail what inclusive education means in a school.  Think about each statement and vote whether you agree with it or not.
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All children with learning disabilities should sit together in the same class – this means they would not feel different. *
Communities and schools can work together to make school environments more accessible. *
Children who are visually impaired will get a much better education in a special school for the blind. *
Teacher training on inclusion for children with disabilities would be most effective if it is separate to all other training – this is because it is a specialist area.  Should be integrated, it’s about good teaching practice. *
The main concept of inclusive education is to ensure that children with disabilities are educated.  What is meant with disabilities?  Is poverty a disability? It is a barrier to learning.  Inclusive education is about looking at all learners as individuals. *
It is possible for children with special needs to be allowed extra time when taking exams. *
It is a good strategy for children who have difficulty moving around to be able to watch other children playing sports such as basketball and football.  By doing this they will feel included.  Inclusive teacher may offer 2 sports, so that child has the choice to watch or play. *
A child who is consistently late for school should be punished – no matter what the reason is. *
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