AWS Charity Nomination Form
We are proud to have a vibrant philanthropy program that supports two local charities. Every year AWS changes the charities it supports through a voting process by the AWS membership. This is done by inviting the membership to nominate charities they deem fit, based on the criteria below.  Please use this form to nominate charities for our 2024/25 charity slate.
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Criteria for Charity Recipients
1. The charity must be registered with the Charities Commission or be an NHS Charitable Trust.
2. The charity must be located in the UK and its works must benefit the residents of Surrey.
3. The charity must not be sponsored by a political or religious organization.
4. Preference will be given to charities that derive their income from voluntary contributions rather than those that derive a large portion of their income from fees and/or tuition.
5. The money donated must be earmarked for specific purposes and not allocated to general overhead costs such as salaries, rent and administrative expenses.
6. Local charities may receive funds for up to TWO consecutive years, but each charity must resubmit an application and be reviewed along with each nominated charity.

All applications must be submitted by April 19th, 2024.

Section 1: To be complete by an AWS Member
Member Name *
Email address: *
Telephone Number: *
Relationship, if any, with the nominated charity.
Section 2: To be completed by the Charity or on behalf of the charity
Charity Name *
Mailing Address *
Charity's website *
Telephone Number *
Charity Commission Registration Number *
Contact Person with title/position within the Charity *
Contact person email address: *
Please describe the work undertaken by the charity. *
As our donations cannot be used for general expenses, please list possible projects and their expected associated costs that our donations may benefit. *
What percentage, if any, of the charity's income is derived from fees and/or tuition? *
How does the charity's work benefit residents of Surrey? *
Is your charity sponsored by a political or religious organization? If so, please explain. *
If AWS has previously donated funds to this charity please indicate what year(s)?
Please send to Osa Iyayi-Kanu at any additional information that could be helpful to the philanthropic committee in evaluating this application, e.g. annual reports, budgets, financial statements, news articles, etc.
Application Deadline: Friday, April 19, 2024
Questions please email Osa Iyayi-Kanu at
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